Computer Science students are in high demand, and many of them are able to secure internships at top tech companies while they are still in school. However, the percentage of students that land an internship can vary widely depending on a number of factors.

What Percentage Of Computer Science Majors Get Internships?

The percentage of Computer Science majors that get internships is 6.54%. There are 260,000 Computer Science students of which 17,000 had internships in 2022. However, these numbers fluctuate on a yearly basis due to a number of factors including the economy and student interest in technology.

Factors Determining How Many C.S. Students Get Internships

One factor that can impact the percentage of Computer Science students who get internships is the school they attend. Students at top-ranked Computer Science programs, such as those at Stanford, MIT, and Carnegie Mellon, may be more likely to secure internships at top tech companies than students at less well-known schools. 

Additionally, students who have strong grades, a solid portfolio of projects, and relevant experience through clubs or personal projects may be more likely to land internships than their peers.

Another factor that can impact the percentage of Computer Science students who get internships is the economy. During times of economic growth, when tech companies are expanding and hiring, more internships may be available, leading to a higher percentage of Computer Science students securing internships. 

Conversely, during times of economic downturn, there may be fewer internships available, leading to a lower percentage of Computer Science students being able to secure internships.

It’s safe to say that many Computer Science students are able to secure internships at top tech companies, especially those who attend top-ranked programs and have strong grades, relevant experience, and a solid portfolio of projects.

How Hard Is It To Get A Computer Science Internship?

The difficulty of getting a Computer Science internship can vary depending on a number of factors, such as your level of education, relevant work experience, the strength of your application materials, and the competitiveness of the job market. 

Generally speaking, internships are more readily available to students who are currently enrolled in a Computer Science program or have recently graduated, as they are seen as a way for students to gain practical experience in their field of study. 

It can also be helpful to have a strong academic record and a solid foundation in computer science concepts and technologies. Additionally, having a well-written resume and cover letter, and being able to demonstrate your passion for Computer Science through your online presence (e.g., a personal website or blog) can increase your chances of getting an internship. 

It’s also worth noting that internships can be competitive, especially at well-known companies, so it may take some time and effort to secure one.

Tips To Land A Computer Science Internship

Although it can be challenging to land an internship, it’s totally achievable if you have the right approach. Here are a few tips to help you land a Computer Science internship:

Build a strong foundation in Computer Science: Internship recruiters are looking for students who have a solid understanding of Computer Science concepts and technologies. Be sure to take the necessary coursework and spend time learning and practicing on your own to build your skills.

Create a professional online presence: Many companies will look at your online presence (e.g., LinkedIn, GitHub) when considering you for an internship. Be sure to create a professional profile and showcase any relevant projects or experience.

Tailor your application materials: When applying for internships, be sure to tailor your resume and cover letter to the specific position and company you’re applying to. This means highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the internship you’re seeking.

Network and make connections: Attend job fairs and networking events and talk to people in the industry. Building relationships with people in the computer science field can be a great way to learn about internship opportunities and get your foot in the door.

Be persistent: Don’t be discouraged if you don’t land an internship right away. It can take time and effort to find the right opportunity. Keep applying and networking, and be open to considering a wider range of opportunities.

What Are Some Of The Best Companies To Intern For As A Computer Science Major?

There are many great companies to work for as a Computer Science major, and the best one for you will depend on your personal interests and goals. Some of the most popular companies among computer science majors include tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, and Apple, as well as smaller companies in a variety of industries. 

Other top companies for Computer Science majors include Amazon, Facebook, and Intel. These companies are known for their innovative work environments, cutting-edge technology, and opportunities for professional growth. 

In addition to these larger companies, there are also many smaller startups that can be great places to work for computer science majors, as they often offer a more entrepreneurial and fast-paced work environment.

During my first Computer Science internship, I worked at a construction company building out a new E-commerce website and optimizing other existing websites for search engines. Although this wasn’t a top tech company (or a tech company at all), I was able to gain invaluable work experience.

What To Do If You Don’t Land A Computer Science Internship

There are many ways you can spend your summer if you don’t get a computer science internship. Here are a few ideas:

Take online courses or workshops to improve your skills: Many online learning platforms offer courses and workshops in computer science and related fields. This can be a great way to learn new skills and technologies and to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your field.

Work on personal projects: Use your summer to work on your own projects, whether they are related to computer science or not. This can be a great way to learn new skills, practice problem-solving, and build your portfolio.

Volunteer or do a part-time job: Consider volunteering your time or finding a part-time job in a field that interests you. This can be a good way to gain valuable experience and make connections in the industry.

Take a break: If you’re feeling burnt out, it may be a good idea to take a break and relax over the summer. This can be a great time to recharge your batteries and come back to your studies or job search feeling refreshed and energized.

No matter what you choose to do, the important thing is to make the most of your summer and do something that will help you grow personally and professionally.


In conclusion, it is clear that although Computer Science internships are competitive, a large number of students are able to secure internships during their studies. 

While the exact percentage may vary depending on the individual student and their circumstances, it is safe to say that internships are an important and achievable part of the educational experience for many Computer Science majors. 

These internships provide valuable real-world experience, help students to build their skills and networks, and can often lead to full-time job opportunities after graduation. Overall, Computer Science students who are proactive in seeking out and applying for internships are likely to find success in this area.